SBE Membership Brochure

The Society of Broadcast Engineers (SBE), headquartered in Indianapolis, is a member-driven non-profit organization that is always seeking new members. While I was employed there, I developed this membership brochure. I came up with the concept, wrote the copy and designed the layout. I took special care with the design to maintain the integrity of the broadcast waves as you open the piece. I wrote the brochure’s tagline to capitalize on both the round quality of the SBE logo and the ripple effect made by broadcast waves.​


Where Is My Circle?

There are many local SBE chapters around the country where you can connect with fellow broadcast engineers. Regular chapter meetings and special events offer you a chance to expand your technical knowledge through industry presentations, tours and the sharing of practical tips and tricks of your peers. Local chapters are also a place where colleagues can become lifelong friends.


SBE Membership Drive